Monday, September 26, 2011

.iii [.Abstraction.]

[Obscured Referent]

drum cymbal

[Identifiable Referent]

 lure and hook

hanging plant

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

.ii [.Scavenger:Hunt.]

abstraction: reeds

vantage point: "larger than life"

juxtaposition / portrait: long exposure

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


My photographic goals... To think of them is quite difficult.  As one who loves to get one's hands into all forms of [hands-on] art, to focus on just one takes a moment.  I know, for the most part, what I find aesthetically pleasing.  I know what I look for and it is that same quality that I try to mirror in my work.  Not from what is said to be beautiful and well-shot, but what I feel.  Is that not what art is about?

Anyway, I digress.  I suppose I could say I would love to be adept at taking surreal photos.  I am currently toying with long exposure for I love the strange and sometimes eerie effects it has on photos.  I also love capturing familiar objects in a more distant, abstract form.  To raise my art to a certain degree... to post that as a goal seems rather lame.  It should go unsaid.  I suppose a more pertinent response would be to better understand my camera so that I may continue to fiddle with its many functions with a more learned hand...and eye.  That would be nice.  That is what I have been waiting to take a digital photography class for- to put some backbone into my observational and experimental knowledge on the art...

Some of my older work...

Friday, September 9, 2011

.i [.Aesthetic Qualities: Exemplified.]

[Symmetry/ Balance]

Tereza Vlckova

Wayne Levin

Annie Leibovitz

Robert Doisneau

[A-symmetry/ Off Balance]

Emmet Gowin

Wayne Levin

Walter Chappell

Mark Cohen

Malcom Pasley


Wayne Levin

Robert Doisneau

Dave Anderson


Sally Mann

Ferenc Berko

Mark Cohen

André De Dienes

Harold Edgerton

David Heath

[Engaging the Edges of the Frame]

Robert Doisneau

Lewis W. Hine

[Focusing on the Foreground]

David DiMichele

Mark Cohen

Harold Jones

Dave Anderson

[Focusing on the Background]
Wayne Levin

Mark Krastof

Rose Mandel

William Mortensen

Dave Anderson


Lewis W. Hine

Jay N. Jaffee

Simpson Kalisher

Sol Libsohn

Danny Lyon

Lawrence Migdale